2023 SFSAZ Conference – February 2 & 3

Formational Leadership: Discernment, Vulnerability and Courage

This conference will explore the ways that following Jesus shapes our leadership. Whether in the marketplace, the church, a non-profit, or the home, Jesus invites us into a way of leadership that offers the opportunity for transformation in us first and then those we are leading. Because we can never take people where we haven’t gone, it begins with us being formed in grace. We are pleased to have Chuck DeGroat join us for this special event.

February 2 – 6:00p-9p

February 3 –  9a-4p

There will be Main Sessions with Chuck DeGroat and process groups with trained spiritual directors through the course of the two days together.

Conference Speaker

Chuck DeGroat

Chuck DeGroat is Professor of Pastoral Care and Christian Spirituality at Western Theological Seminary, MI, and a faculty member of the Soul Care Institute. He is an author, speaker, consultant, pastor, and therapist. Chuck is married to Sara and has two daughters. He can be found at www.chuckdegroat.net.

Process Groups

Quite often at a conference there is a lot of content, but not a lot of time to process and pray. We believe there is a high value in hearing from others and having others hear from you. We’re offering process groups as a safe place to dig further into what has been shared by the guest speaker. There will be two spaces on Saturday for process groups. Each of these groups will be facilitated by a trained spiritual director.  In these groups, there will be time for guided reflection, discussion, and sharing as we seek to listen to and be attentive to how the Lord is forming us. No one will be forced to talk or share but the space will be there to reflect and listen as well as share as one feels led. Each spiritual director is skilled in listening intently and asking helpful questions to explore what is being uncovered with God in the time together. 


Thursday, February 2, 2023

6:00 – Registration

6:30 – Welcome and Introduction

6:45 – Worship and Prayer

7:15 – Plenary Session – Chuck DeGroat

8:30 – Prayer/Reflection/Dismiss

Friday, February 3, 2023

9:00 – Worship and Prayer

9:15 – Plenary Session

10:00 – Personal Reflection

10:30 – Break

10:45 – Process Groups

12:15 – Lunch

1:15 – Plenary Session

2:15 – Process Groups

3:30 – Final Prayer/Worship/Encouragement from Chuck DeGroat

4:00 – Conclusion
