Into the Silent Land Season 5: Episode 9
Gray and Ted chat about the Epilogue of "Into the Silent Land" by Martin Laird and wrap up this season of Taste and See.
Gray and Ted chat about the Epilogue of "Into the Silent Land" by Martin Laird and wrap up this season of Taste and See.
Gray and Ted chat about Contemplation and chapter 7 of "Into the Silent Land" by Martin Laird.
Part 2: Gray and Ted chat with Michael Donnelly and discuss chapters 5 & 6 of “Into the Silent Land.” Listen and reflect on distractions in contemplation.
Gray and Ted chat with Michael Donnelly and discuss chapters 5 & 6 of “Into the Silent Land.” Listen and reflect on distractions in contemplation.
Gray and Ted chat with Tom Ashbrook and discuss chapter 4 of “Into the Silent Land.” Listen and reflect on how we already have everything we need to experience Christ.
Gray and Ted chat with Renee Clark and discuss chapter 3 of “Into the Silent Land.” Listen and reflect on how the body impacts how we become still and silent before God.
Gray and Ted chat with Sheli Sloterbeek and discuss chapter 2 of “Into the Silent Land.” Listen and reflect on how the mind, although potentially filled with distractions, is a critical part of contemplation. Grab a cup of coffee or your favorite tea and enjoy.
John DelHousaye joins Gray and Ted to reflect on chapter 1 and the Illusion of Separation from God. More coffee too!
Gray and Ted meet with Jess Meeks over coffee and discuss the season as well as the preface to the book: Into the Silent Land.
Ted and Gray wrap up the season reflecting on what they learned from a season of great conversations. And, they enjoy a smoothie inspired by Gerry Sittser (episode 8).