2024 SFSAZ Conference – February 1 & 2

Attachment Theory & Our Life with God

Join us as we explore attachment theory and how it can inform that way we experience attachment to God. As we look at the attachment patterns developed though our lives, we are given insight into ways we might falsely or authentically attach to God and others. The conference will include plenary sessions with teaching, reflection, and contemplative worship. Friday will have space for personal reflection in addition to a workshop with a smaller group.

Led by the SFSAZ Team including John DelHousaye, Justin Smith, and Ted Wueste

February 1 – 6:00p-9p

February 2 –  8:30a-4p

Location: Phoenix Bible Church, 6060 N. 7th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85013

Thursday, February 1, 2024 Plenary Session Video

Friday, February 2, 2024 Plenary Session Video

Slideshow from both conference days

Conference Leaders

Dr. John DelHousaye

Dr. John DelHousaye, Theologian in Residence/Soul Care at SFSAZ. John joined the ministry team after teaching at Phoenix Seminary for twenty-one years. He serves as elder of spiritual formation at Redemption Church, Alhambra. He has authored several articles and books on spiritual disciplines and enjoys listening to God with soul friends and churches.

Dr. Justin Smith

Dr. Smith is  a Licensed Psychologist with over 30 years of clinical experience working with individuals, couples, and families. His areas of specialization include trauma, depression, anxiety, family-of-origin issues, betrayal, third culture issues, cross-cultural adaptation, global member care, couples, and spiritual issues. As a third culture kid (TCK), and Director of the Counseling Program at Phoenix Seminary for 16 years, he specializes in working with clergy and their families, missionaries, those preparing for ministry, fellow clinicians and health care workers, and those who have experienced spiritual abuse. He is passionate about the journey of growth, nurturing learning communities, fostering character development, building sustainable programs/structures, and developing relationships which foster change, mobilize resources, and facilitate healing and health. Dedicated to equipping and supporting emerging leaders in the mental health field, global workers and NGO’s, community and church leaders. Dr. Smith’s goal is that others may go farther, faster, accomplish more, and enjoy the journey along the way!

Dr. Ted Wueste

Ted serves as the Founder/Director of the Spiritual Formation Society of Arizona. For the last 30 years, he has served in various ministry capacities with 20 of those years serving in pastoral ministry. After serving as an associate pastor, Ted planted a church that he pastored for 9 years and then served as an Executive Pastor of Spiritual Formation for 6 years. Ted designed and taught in a Spiritual Formation program at Phoenix Seminary for seven years, and now enjoys a ministry of spiritual direction, retreat leading, and teaching. Ted is the coordinator for a spiritual direction training program in Arizona (Selah) and serves as Senior Faculty. He has written several books on the spiritual journey as well as devotionals and study guides that many have found helpful. You can reach Ted at [email protected] and learn more about his spiritual formation ministry at www.desertdirection.com.

Micah Bentley – Worship leader

Micah has a passion for curating and leading in spaces to experience God’s goodness and love through all expressions of worship and art. As a practicing singer/songwriter he has spent years experiencing God’s presence in the sacred and the secular through my relationship and work with the music and arts. As a spiritual director he loves to journey alongside others in their growing relationships with Jesus. My greatest passion is my family which includes my wife Ashley and my 2 kids Brighten and Elliotte.


Thursday, February 1, 2024

6:00p – Registration

6:30 – Welcome and Introduction

6:45 – Worship and Prayer

7:15 – Plenary Session

8:30 – Prayer/Reflection/Dismiss

Friday, February 2, 2024

9-12 plenary sessions/personal reflection

12 – lunch

1:30-4:00 break out sessions/plenary session