
Reflection: June 6, 2024

Psalm 130 (MSG) A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem.  1-2 Help, God—I’ve hit rock bottom!     Master, hear my cry for help! Listen hard! Open your ears!     Listen to my cries for mercy. 3-4 If you, God, kept records [...]

Reflection: May 16, 2024

Psalm 125 A song of ascents Those who trust in the Lord are as secure as Mount Zion;     they will not be defeated but will endure forever. Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem,     so the Lord surrounds his people, [...]

Reflection: May 9, 2024

Psalm 124 (MSG) A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem 1-5 If God hadn’t been for us     —all together now, Israel, sing out!— If God hadn’t been for us     when everyone went against us, We would have been swallowed alive [...]


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