Psalm 1:1-3

Oh, the joys of those who do not
    follow the advice of the wicked,
    or stand around with sinners,
    or join in with mockers.
But they delight in the law of the Lord,
    meditating on it day and night.
They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
    bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
    and they prosper in all they do. – NLT

How well God must like you—
 you don’t walk in the ruts of those blind-as-bats,
 you don’t stand with the good-for-nothings,
 you don’t take your seat among the know-it-alls.

Instead you thrill to God’s Word,
you chew on Scripture day and night.
You’re a tree replanted in Eden,
bearing fresh fruit every month,
Never dropping a leaf,
always in blossom. – MSG

Blessed are those who walk hand in hand with goodness, who stand beside virtue, who sit in the seat of truth; For their delight is in the Spirit of Love, and in Love’s heart they dwell day and night. They are like trees planted by streams of water, that yield fruit in due season, and their leaves flourish; And in all they do, they give life. – Psalms for Praying, Nan Merrill

Reflection: We invite you to choose one of the versions of Psalm 1:1-3 above and read through it in a lectio divina.

Come to the scripture open, perhaps leaving behind other teachings you may already associate with it.

Lectio (Read) – Read the short passage slowly, prayerfully, and deliberately reading once or twice through.

Meditatio (Meditate) – On this reading of the passage attentively see if there is a word, phrase or image that stands out to you.

Oratio (Pray) – Again, read the passage and pray with God regarding the text and what the Spirit brought to you to notice.

Contemplatio (Contemplation) – During this final reading of the passage rest with God.