
The Church is Dying!!…or is it? Season 4: Episode 2

In episode two, Gray and Ted, talk to Chuck deGroat about his article “stewarding the death of the American church” which prompted the topic for the season. They talk about the needs of leaders and discuss what needs to die and what will experience resurrection. https://blog.reformedjournal.com/2019/04/06/trust-the-process-stewarding-the-death-of-the-american-church/


Taste and See, Season 3, Episode 3 (Voices of Formation: Shane Claiborne)

Shane Claiborne, a deeply committed and active follower of Christ, has given himself to ministering among and for the “least of these.” His perspectives are passionate and might tweak some of our preconceived ideas so listen if you dare!! And please listen prayerfully. You don’t have to agree but he [...]

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